Thursday, November 20, 2014

First dream journal

Good morning!

This morning when I woke up I could recall a dream fragment, which simply is a small part of a dream, I just remember what I dreamed about, not much more than that!.
I went to bathroom and then  I got back to my room, then I recalled a dream I'd earlier in the night as well!

I use fitbit flex, bought it about 2 weeks ago, so I can see times when I went to bed, when during night I've been up or restless/been moving in bed.
Not sure if I will write up exactly these stats every day, but this is how my Fitbit can tell me:

Went to bed: 02:03
Time to fall asleep: 24 minutes
Times awake: 14
Were in bed for: 8 hours and 18 minutes
Total sleep: 7 hours and 30 minutes

Daniel Radicliffe (fragment):
I was in the grocery store where I currently are employee of. Daniel Radicliffe were there shopping stuffs. It was normal amount of people in the store like a normal day.

Went to mums city by train (dream):
I was at my dads house and I'd planned to go visit my mum who lives in a city (Boden) about 35 km away from here.
I thought to go there with train due it seemed to be the most easisest choice because it would be fastest.
It was summer and I cycled towards the city from dad, but I had to turn back because I forgot money or something.
So I waited at dads home to the time I should start bicycling to get in time for the train.
But once again I forgot something and chosed I shall wait another hour for next train.
I was very unsure if the train were taking cash or credit card, or both. I had no idea if I had to take out cash from an ATM.
I really wanted to go to the city, not only because to visit mum but to workout in the gym they've there that I have access to (fitness24seven), because I've just been there one time.

That's it!

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